Choice in Using Language

Capability & Choice

Can everyone handle all the methods for using language?
In principle, yes. But, as the oscillating duality revealed, the odd-numbered Types are demanding and can be difficult.

Understanding a communication is far easier than creating the communication. However, there may be doubt as to whether a communication is actually understood.

It is likely that people gravitate to the method required to perform their work—or gravitate to work that suits their preferred method. Elsewhere, the 7 Methods via their Q-expansion are found to provide the basis for carrying responsibility within society's primal groups.

More analysis will be provided in the TET exploration, but some immediate observations are possible.

Simple Observations

L'1-Concrete method

Everyone can understand and follow instructions in relation to actions they are capable of performing. Everyone can give specific instructions in relation to familiar actions as that performance is occurring. Everyone can read a manual when it is written for them, but not a manual that is written for those with specialized expertise. Not everyone can write a technical manual.

L'2-Associative method

Almost everyone uses the associative method in informal moments with familiars. Many will use this method at work. Those with learning difficulties will be limited to what work they can realistically be expected to perform.

L'3-Conceptual method

Scientists, academics and intellectuals use this method to enable intelligent exchanges. Systematic education commences with assertion of the conceptual framework. Those who work in the knowledge industries (finance, biotechnology, artificial intelligence) that derive from science or mathematics need to be able to use concepts as well. Higher management is also distant from activities and inherently conceptual.


L'4-Universal method

Everyone can hear the news, read someone's blog, watch a popular film, or listen to a pop song. But not everyone can write readable prose, present a radio talk-show, or address a large rally effectively. Differences in vocabulary and interests determine whether what is read or watched is high-brow, TV soap opera, tabloid gossip, romantic stories, business news, sports results &c.

L'5-Gestalt method

Use of this method calls for talent and self-discipline. Rather few can produce evocative communications, while many more can enjoy them. Still, even here numbers are limited because engaging and responding requires cultivation of inner sensitivity. Recipients require openness to life experience and a readiness for new awarenesses.

L'6-Logical method

Even fewer can use the logical method. Understanding involves engaging with a concentration and determination that many seem to lack.

L'7-Mythic method

Comfort with images and openness is required for both producing and understanding. As with gestalt and logical methods, willing effort and sensitivity may be required.

Tools & Style : Test Yourself

Here is an opportunity to test your grasp of the 7 approaches to using language.

Click on the ? to get the answer in each cell of the matrix (or to hide it again). Open the whole matrix by using the «open all» icon in the topic toolbar.

Better viewing: Use browser zoom if needed.

New Ideas ?Closed Must be self- evident and correspond to what is sensed. ?Closed Rejected or used on whim. ?Closed Defined in an agreed way to be relevant and usable. ?Closed Multiple evolving meanings carrying values that evolve. ?Closed Starting point for imaginative leaps. ?Closed Located within the system of fundamentals. ?Closed An image may be perceived or produced.
Exchanges ?Closed feedback and correction of instructions or performance. ?Closed Informal conversation enabling sharing of thoughts. ?Closed Rational discussion within a given field. ?Closed Opinion-based public interaction on social matters. ?Closed Meaningful bonding and appreciation. ?Closed Exposition using dialogue and dialectic. ?Closed Communion based on a revelation.
Evaluation ?Closed Based on successful completion of the procedure. ?Closed Provided by joining in and being responsive. ?Closed Provided by recognized peers in the field. ?Closed Provided by self-appointed critics and in opinion pieces. ?Closed Specialist criticism based on immersive study. ?Closed By fellow inquirers. ?Closed Personal and specialist.
Music ?Closed Rhythm might be used for repetitive tasks. ?Closed Might provide a comforting background. ?Closed Not appropriate. ?Closed Provided for emotional and persuasive purposes. ?Closed Focuses and strengthens emotional responsiveness. ?Closed Not appropriate. ?Closed Might contribute.
Silence ?Closed May be needed for concentration on doing. ?Closed Meaning will be depend on the situation. ?Closed Time for properly considering propositions. ?Closed Used for rhetorical effect: persuasion, attention. ?Closed May help create the desired inner experience. ?Closed To provide time to grasp the ideas. ?Closed Emptiness
Humour ?Closed Practical jokes. ?Closed Used to socialize and ease interaction. ?Closed Field-specific ?Closed Puns and wordplay; satire. ?Closed The human comedy. ?Closed Existential truths ?Closed Cosmic laughter
Ambiguity ?Closed Removed. ?Closed Ignored or handled. ?Closed Undesirable: so a focus of study. ?Closed Used to diffuse issues and dampen reactions. ?Closed Used to capture realities. ?Closed Object of interest. ?Closed Expected and used positively.
Writing ?Closed Support despite distance via manuals or online help. ?Closed Brief notes, diaries, checklists, emails, tweets. ?Closed Essential to capture the argument. ?Closed Widens the audience and reinforces the message e.g. blogs ?Closed Poetry, novels, music. ?Closed Essential to enable sharing, review & refinement. ?Closed Scriptures
Graphics ?Closed Often the primary way of explaining. ?Closed Used to jog memory and fix ideas. ?Closed Helps present complex information or conceptual schemas. ?Closed Used to catch attention, but must fit the mood and tastes of the audience. ?Closed Used to add emotional impact directly or by contextualizing. ?Closed Used to show order and relationships. ?Closed Enlivens the message.

Originally posted: 5-Jan-2013. Amended: 25-Aug-2016. Last updated: 10-Feb-2023